Pump-Out Research Project for Kootenay Lake

The Kootenay Lake Sustainable Boating Society is pleased to announce approval of its application for funding of  “Kootenay Lake Sustainable Boating Sewage
Pump-Out Project
” through Columbia Basin Trust Environmental Initiatives Program.

Boaters, please take a moment to complete our on-line survey http://www.klsb.org/kootenay-lake-sustainable-boating-society-boater-survey/

During the proposed time frame from December, 2011,  through April, 2012, the KLSB will:

1. in consultation with the boating community, research and select  suitable sites for 6-8 pump out locations on Kootenay Lake,

2. develop cost estimates for pump out installation at these sites,

3. develop cost recovery and public/private partnership models.  The project will begin the establishment of a pump-out station network.

Objectives include:

1.establish the feasibility of pump-out stations along the entire Kootenay Lake and West Arm,

2. include resultant information on our website, future Kootenay Lake Boater’s Guide, and broadcast on the Marine channel,

3. use the information gathered to determine potential public/private partnerships for pump-outs,

4. use the information collected for future funding pursuits.

Be sure to check back often as there will be more information regarding this project coming soon, you can also email us at info@klsb.org