
Note: Prices quoted are subject to change. Shipping & GST extra. Cash, Internet Transfers, VISA/Master-card accepted! Payment for the course is required on booking. Receipts are provided for tax purposes. Any date changes or cancellations must be made 7 days prior to course. No refunds for No-Shows. Partial refunds are given at the discretion of the owner in special situations only.
Training may be offered at several locations in Victoria and Sidney . Our new office location is #5-2075 Henry Ave. West Sidney, V8L 1T2. Please call to ensure that the office is open. Classes are held at the same location.
We offer SVOP, ROC-M and MED A 3 courses for any location in Canada. Travel and accommodations are extra and are billed and arranged at time of booking. On-the-water training is done at any location, your boat! Or join us for training aboard our vessel for a cruise ‘n learn using I.S.P.A. courses. Different size vessels available. Checkout www.solitudecharters.com for more information. Spend 5 or 7 days navigating in beautiful B.C. waters. Prepare for your future as a cruising vessel owner or operator.
SDV-BS , Small Domestic Vessel Basic Safety, Formerly MED A-3 |
This course provides basic safety training for crew-members on:
- Fishing vessels not more than 15 GT.
- Small passenger vessels (up to 12 passengers), work boats, sport fishing charters.
- All other Small commercial vessels not more than 15 GT, including passenger vessels, with un-berthed accommodation only, but not including ferries, on Home Trade IV and Minor Waters voyages.
This is an 8-hour course, Formerly known as the MED -A 3, done in one day. The exam is a simple 25 question multiple choice. You receive your certification upon successful completion. CDN#s are no longer a Mandatory requirement of Transport Canada. You may however apply for one on line. Otherwise please go to your local TC office with your passport, or birth certificate and your drivers license.( No charge).
PRICE: $250.00 per person (includes books), (GST extra).
COURSE DATES: Classes for 2018: Jan. 19, Feb. 9 ,( Mar.2 tentative), Mar. 23, April 20, May 11, June 1 and 22, (no July classes) Aug. 17, Sept. 14, Oct. 12, Nov. 2 and Dec. 7.
Extra classes will be inserted when requested. Private and extra courses will be added any time at the customers location or in Sidney. A minimum of 8 is required for out of town locations. |
SVOP (Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Course) |
This is a stand-alone course addressing the particular needs for some minimum standards of training for operators of:
- Commercial vessels, other than tugs, up to 15 Gross Tonnage operating not more than 25 miles offshore.
- Fishing vessels up to 15 Gross Tonnage or 12 meters overall length operating not more than 25 miles offshore.
- Passenger vessels, workboats, sport fishing charters.
This is a 26 hour course and is done in 4 days from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. each day The course ends with a 50-question exam which if successfully completed gives you your certificate. C.D.N. numbers are no longer a Mandatory requirement of Transport Canada. See SDV-BS for link and more information.
The new draft, for the SVOP course changes, has been issued; the course will be increasing to a 32 hour course with possible 6 hour modules for passengers, tug boats or commercial fishing. As yet this has not been finalized. The target date for the new SVO-C , Small Vessel Operator Certificate is late December 2018. Current SVOP participants will be grandfathered in.
PRICE: $575.00 per person (includes manual, (GST extra). Students must have parallel rulers and dividers to complete the chart section. These can be purchased at the time of registration or at class by prior arrangement.
Classes for 2018: Jan. 20-23, Feb. 10-13, Mar. 24 to 27, Apr. 21 to 24, May 12 to 15, June 2 to 5 and June 23 to 26, no July classes, Aug. 18 to 21, Sept. 15 to 18, Oct. 13 to 16, Nov. 3 to 6 , Dec. 8 to 11.
(Note: This course certificate qualifies under CSA rules as an Equivalent to the PCOC card.) |
Basic Marine First Aid: |
Basic Marine First Aid is now offered by Heads-Up Navigation. Instruction is provided by a fully certified Red Cross instructor. This is a Basic two-day course offering an overview of first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for the marine/fishing industry. This course meets the requirements of Transport Canada outlined in Transport Publication (TP) 13008. This course meets with requirements for full SVOP certification. Duration: 16hrs, 100% attendance, skills demonstration and 75% minimum on the written exam. (12 students maximum per class.) This 3 year certification in MBFA and CPR-C is equivalent to Standard First Aid & CPR-C and AED and is recognized for 5 years by Transport Canada. (A Red Cross First Aid and CPR Manual is supplied to each student at the commencement of classes.)
Courses for Basic Marine First Aid cost $150.00 plus GST. Call to register now.
Dates for 2018 : (NEW: March 19 & 20), (Sorry this class is full March 21 & 22), April 18 & 19, May 9 & 10, June 20 & 21, Sept. 12 & 13, Oct. 10 & 11, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, Dec. 5 & 6. Extra courses will be added as the demand requires. All courses are held at #5-2075 Henry Ave. West, Sidney, BC, V8L 1T2.
Advanced Marine First Aid is available also, call for more information. |
ROC-M (VHF)Radio License Courses, Seminars, Exams, and DSC updates |
The DSC portion of this license came into effect January of 2006. You will know if your license is current if it is green and includes the phrase “with DSC Endorsement”. This course is offered as a home study or two-part lecture session. The regular exam is 60 questions, multiple-choice with 3 verbal questions asked as well. You must successfully complete all sections of the exam to pass. This course does not require a CDN number but does require ID.
The DSC update is a 20-question multiple-choice exam with three verbal questions and a copy of your current license must be provided. If the old license is lost, you will have to rewrite the entire exam. You will also have to provide proof of ID a passport or license with picture is sufficient.
PRICE: $120.00 per person, manual, CD and exam challenge only (GST extra). Classes: $140.00 per person for a 2-night, or day seminar based on 4 people or more. Includes manual, CD and exam fees, (GST extra). Call to set up a convenient time. |
Seaplane Marine Safety Information Seminar |
The Transport Canada Shipping Act, 2001, in its Collision Regulations Act, describes seaplanes as a “vessel” when on or over Canadian waters. This 2 to 3 hour seminar expands on that definition, covers the basic collision regulations followed by vessels on the water and will help to clarify some of the actions that vessels are making every day.
This course is designed for information purposes only. Classes are available for groups or singles and are quoted on an individual basis. |
PCOC (Pleasure Craft Operator Cards) |
***As of Sept.15, 2009, all operators of powered (fuel or electric) boats must have a PCOC.

- If you are under the age of 12 and unaccompanied and unsupervised by a person 16 years of age or older, you are not allowed to operate a boat with an engine more powerful than 7.5 kw (10 hp).
- If you are at least 12 years of age but not yet 16 years old and unaccompanied and unsupervised by a person 16 years of age or older you are not allowed to operate a boat with an engine more powerful than 30 kw (40hp).
- If you are under the age of 16, you may not operate a personal watercraft. (PWC) No Exemptions!
- Any person operating a powered recreational vessel less than 4 meters (13-1/2 Feet) (this includes personal watercraft) must have a PCOC.
- Foreign visitors who have a pleasure boat in Canada will be granted a grace period of 45 consecutive days, after that they must obtain a PCOC card.
- People renting a vessel will be required to complete a dockside checklist.
PRICE: Private courses are $140 per person, GST extra., minimum of 5 per group. Individual group rates are negotiated. Home Study: Manuals $30.., Exam Challenge $60. (GST extra) |